Oh. And then there's the ever-so-crucual, little tiny detail of... It's HOT. Ugh. So hot. And humid. Oh yes. Totally summer in south Alabama.
In my geography class this last semester, my teacher discussed with us how, those of us who live here in lower Alabama find it funny when, in movies, people seem afraid of thunderstorms... I always found that sort of behavior rather odd as, while I am not fond of lightning, I don't exactly hide under my covers when the thunder claps. Thunderstorms don't scare me. Apparently though, there are many places in the world where there are few to NO thunderstorms. Some people could go their whole lives without seeing them. I don't think I would enjoy life as much without them. It's very odd to even think of it... Actually, odd doesn't even cover it. No thunderstorms? Sad day, dude.
Wow. FX just cut off a commercial at the wrong point. I bet it was a really good one, too. The kid was playing a video game with his dad and they were making bets on who would win. Dad: "If I in, you get to buy my next tank of gas." Son: "Chyeah. If I win, you get to buy my next bag of weed." Dad: *Sideways stare* And then they cut it off as one syllable of sound came out of the narrator's mouth. Ugh. I wish I knew what he was going to say. That was a wakeup call commercial if I ever saw one... The kid said it and I was thinking "WHAT? Did he really just say that to his Dad??"
Oh Men of Honor. Your ending gets me everytime...
People keep asking me how wedding planning is going. Well, dear friends who care, it is at a standstill. You see, my love is working extraordinarily hard and is forced to stay at his post for the time being... and "the time being" isn't going to end anytime soon it seems. So for now, I am here. He is there. And it sucks. As is life, I suppose. But the best and most awesome news is I'm supposed to get to go see him after another trip I'm going on... so just a few more weeks! :D :] :) C: Ah. Yay
This is good. Because Mon Kie misses Mon Kette., too
I will NOT wake up before 6 A.M. tomorrow. I'm forcing myself to stay awake just so I will be sleepy and not wake up super early without cause again. It's been happening for a few days now. I don't like it. Unnecessary early morning wake up calls are silly.
It's about that time again... yup. Time for bed. Sweet dreams all. Until next time.
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